Ngā pitopito kōrero, ngā rangahau hoki

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The latest news and information from HNZ


Improving the lives and long-term outcomes of people affected by bleeding disorders since 1958

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Promoting excellence in haemophilia 
care, education, advocacy and support.

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2021 HNZ Constitution Update

At the upcoming HNZ AGM a special resolution will be put to members related to amendments to the HNZ constitution.

The purpose of the amendment process is to ensure that the constitution is modernised and continues to reflect the charitable purpose of HNZ, and the way that the Foundation and its members operate in today’s world.

You can view the draft constitution here: constitution-and-rules-of-HNZ-12-october-2021.pdf
Due to the ongoing impact of Covid-19, the 2021 HNZ AGM will be held via Zoom this year, at 10am on Saturday 30 October.

If you have any questions about the draft constitution, or about attending the HNZ AGM, please email us at

Ngā mihi nui,

The HNZ National Council.