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HNZ Covid-19 update: 19 August 2021

HNZ Covid-19 update: 19 August 2021

Kia ora koutou, 

As of Wednesday 17 August at 11:59pm all of New Zealand is at alert level four, to help mitigate the spread of Covid-19. For Auckland and the Coromandel Peninsula, level 4 will initially be for seven days. For the remainder of NZ, level 4 is for an initial period of three days.
During this time, only essential services remain open and movement is restricted. That means, unless you're in an essential occupation, you and your whānau should be at home in your bubble making sure you're not putting yourselves or others at risk of infection. You can find out more about what alert level four means here:
It's important that we all stay connected at this time. HNZ encourages you all to keep talking to one another. Keep an eye on the social media channels you favour, email and call your friends and family, learn how to use the technology to see and hear those that you're close to, and above all, be kind to one another.
All HNZ communication channels remain open, so follow us on Facebook, look out for our emails, and feel free to reach out to your Outreach Worker on 0508 FACTOR (0508 322 867) if you need support or information.
If your work has been impacted by the Covid-19 outbreak and your income is affected you may be able to get financial support from the government. To find out more about your options check out the dedicated Work and Income Covid-19 page:


What we are doing

HNZ is closely monitoring the latest developments and will make sure all members are well informed. We are maintaining ongoing contact with key groups, including clinicians and pharmaceutical companies, and taking advice from the World Federation of Hemophilia and the NZ Ministry of Health.
All staff will continue working from home, but will not be physically meeting with members until further notice. Our Outreach team are always available if you need to reach out for support. Just call 0508 FACTOR (0508 322 867)
Special Needs Grants are available to HNZ members where there is demonstrated hardship. Please contact your Outreach Worker to find out more.
For information about other support services offered by HNZ please visit our website:

What you can do 

  • Stay home and keep within your bubble, except for essential personal movement
  • Keep your treatments up to date, with an adequate supply on hand
  • Maintain physical distancing from people you don't know if you do have to be out and about
  • Regularly wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds
  • Get a Covid-19 test asap if you have cold, flu, or Covid symptoms.


  • You legally must wear a face covering on public transport, on domestic flights, and in any public place open to provide essential services, like supermarkets
  • All Kiwis are strongly encouraged to track their movements using the NZ Covid tracing app
  • The best way to protect yourself and your whānau is to get vaccinated as soon as it is possible.

Let's all do what we can, because we're stronger together.

Bleeding disorder products

There is no concern over treatment supply. Companies are required to have 3-6 months stock in the country at any time, and all freight supply routes remain open. That means patients should carry on as normal as far as their treatment goes.
The World Federation of Hemophilia advise that there is currently no known risk to blood, blood treatment products, or plasma derived products.

Haemophilia Treatment Centres

As essential services, all haemophilia treatment centres remain available. However, at the moment all contact is by phone or online.
Here's how you can connect with your local HTC:
Auckland - Contact Karen or Vanessa at or on 09 307 4949 ext 25285.
Waikato - Contact Maureen at or on 021 846 920 or 07 839 8899 ext 23638.
Palmerston North - Contact Darryl at or on her cell 027 240 8254 as she is working from home. If anyone needs to be seen, it can be sorted out at the time.
Wellington - Contact BJ as normal at or via the haemophilia phone on 027 334 5081.
Canterbury - Contact Kathy at or 027 526 1574 during office hours.
Southern - Contact Val at or on 027 269 9383, or the haematologist on call via main operator Dunedin Hospital at 03 474 0999 for any urgent problem.

Need help?

There are several useful sources of NZ-based information about the Covid-19 outbreak, including:
The World Federation of Hemophilia has some excellent Covid-19 information for people with bleeding disorders:
If you are worried about your or someone else’s mental health, the best place to get help is your GP or local mental health provider. 
Need to talk? Free call or text 1737 any time for support from a trained counsellor.
Or if you need to talk to someone else:
Alcohol Drug HelpLine – 0800 787 797
Asian Helpline – 0800 862 342 
Lifeline – 0800 543 354 
Suicide Crisis Helpline – 0508 828 865 (0508 TAUTOKO) 
Youthline – 0800 376 633 or free text 234 
Kidsline – 0800 54 37 54 (for under 18s) 
What’s Up – 0800 942 8787 (for 5–18-year-olds 1pm–10pm weekdays and 3pm–10pm weekends) 
Depression Helpline – 0800 111 757 or free text 4202 
Samaritans – 0800 726 666 
OUTLine NZ – 0800 688 5463 
Healthline – 0800 611 116
If you have any questions, please contact HNZ via the 0508 FACTOR number or at