HNZ Covid-19 update: 21 April
The latest update about what Haemophilia New Zealand are doing in response to Covid-19
Kia ora koutou,
As of today all of New Zealand is on day twenty-seven of alert level four. However, change is on the way, with the government announcing a move to level three at 11:59pm on Monday 27 April.
Congratulations on all the hard work you've all been doing to help stop Covid-19 in it's tracks. But we're not finished yet!
It's still important that we continue to follow the rules around alert level four for another week, then the rules for level three! So, we should all be at home in our bubbles making sure we're not putting ourselves or others at risk of infection. You can find out more about what alert level three means here:
To make sure we all come out the other side of level three safe and sound the Prime Minister has outlined seven principles for level three:
- Stay home. If you are not at work, school, exercising, or getting essentials, then you must be at home, the same as at level four.
- Work and learn from home if you can. We still want the vast majority of people working from home, and children and young people learning from home. At-risk students and staff should also stay at home, and they will be supported to do so. Early learning centres and schools will physically be open for up to Year 10 for families that need them.
- Make your business Covid-19 safe. Covid-19 has spread in workplaces, so the quid pro quo of being able to open is doing it in a way that doesn't spread the virus. Important industries like construction, manufacturing and forestry will be able to open, as will retail so long as it is contactless retail.
- Stay regional. You can exercise at parks or beaches within your region, but the closer to home the better. Activities must be safe – keep two metres away from anybody not in your bubble. Make minimal trips.
- Keep your bubble as small as possible. If you need to, you can expand your bubble a small amount to bring in close family, isolated people or caregivers.
- Wash your hands often with soap. Then dry them. Cough into your elbow.
- If you're sick stay at home and seek advice from your GP or Healthline about getting a test. There is no stigma to Covid-19. We will only be successful if everyone is willing to play their part in finding it wherever it is.
Let's all stick to them, because we're stronger together.
Remember, all HNZ communication channels remain open, so follow us on Facebook, look out for our emails, and feel free to reach out to your Outreach Worker on 0508 FACTOR (322 867) if you need support or information.
Finally, the Outreach team continue to work to connect personally with our community while we're in lockdown. If you haven't heard from them yet, you can expect to soon.
Remember to keep yourself safe, be kind and be patient.
What we are doing
HNZ are maintaining ongoing contact with key groups, including clinicians and pharmaceutical companies, and taking advice from the World Federation of Hemophilia and the NZ Ministry of Health.
All regional events and the upcoming youth camp are postponed. This decision will be reviewed on 1 July 2020.
All staff will be working from home and not physically meeting with members until further notice. Our Outreach team are always available if you need to reach out for support. Just call 0508 FACTOR. Outreach Workers will be in closer contact over the coming weeks, and are always at the end of the phone or email.
The next issue of Bloodline, due out at the end of April, will be an online only publication. That means you'll receive it via email rather than in the post. We hope to print some at a later date, for those without access to email.
Our annual member survey is still running. This is a great way to help the HNZ team do their work, and you can go in the draw for one of two $50 Prezzy cards:
Friday 17 April was World Haemophilia Day. Unfortunately, due to the lockdown there were no events, and nearly all the landmarks that were due to light it up red had to cancel. One that didn't was the Majectic Theatre in Wellington. We really appreciate that they were prepared to light up to support HNZ and World haemophilia Day. Check out the image below.
What you can do
- Stay home, unless you are an essential worker.
- Implement all other social distancing measures mandated by the current Covid-19 alert level.
- Keep your treatments up to date, with a two-week supply on hand.
- Regularly wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
- Observe strict cough etiquette by coughing or sneezing into your elbow or a tissue. Discard the tissue immediately into a closed bin.
- Take extra precautions for elderly or immune-compromised groups.
- Be kind to each other!
If you have von Willebrands you may be interested in giving feedback on the WFH's draft vWD clinical guidelines and recommendations. This is being done via an online survey. To read the draft guidelines and complete the survey click here.
How you can access support
For some people the whole Covid-19 situation has been very difficult. Many have lost their livelyhood , and everyday life has become even more of a challenge. There are a number of places you can turn to if you and your whānau are struggling for support and advice.
If your work has been impacted by the Covid-19 outbreak and your income is affected you may be able to get financial support from the government. To find out more about your options check out the dedicated Work and Income Covid-19 page:
Remember, we're all in this together, and it's ok to ask for help.
Bleeding disorder products
Please remember, there is no concern over treatment supply. Companies are required to have 3-6 months stock in the country at any time, and all freight supply routes remain open. That means patients should carry on as normal as far as their treatment goes.
Please do not stockpile treatment products, as this may affect availability for others.
The World Federation of Hemophilia advise that there is currently no known risk to blood, blood treatment products, or plasma derived products.
Haemophilia Treatment Centres
As essential services, all haemophilia treatment centres remain available. However, at the moment all contact is by phone or online.
Here's how you can connect with your local HTC:
Auckland - Contact Karen or Vanessa at or on 09 307 4949 ext 25285.
Waikato - Contact Maureen Campbell at or on 021 846 920 or 07 839 8899 ext 23638.
Palmerston North - Contact Darryl at or on her cell 0272408254 as she is working from home. If anyone needs to be seen, it can be sorted out at the time.
Wellington - Contact the haemophilia CNS BJ Ramsay as normal at or via the haemophilia phone on 0273345081.
Canterbury - Contact Kathy at or 027 526 1574 during office hours.
Southern - Contact Val Waugh at or on 027 269 9383, or the haematologist on call via main operator Dunedin Hospital at 03 474 0999 for any urgent problem.
Where you can find out more
There are several useful sources of NZ-based information about the Covid-19 outbreak:
The World Health Organisation (WHO) also has a wealth of information and resources:
We understand that there is a lot of confusing and contradictory information available at the moment. This link from WHO busts some of the myths:
We will be regularly updating our website and Facebook page, as well as sending out emails with the latest information.
If you have any questions, please contact HNZ via the 0508 FACTOR number or at