Our member representative groups are run by members for members. We have six groups, four regional (Northern, Midland, Central and Southern), plus our Māori group, Piritoto, and the National Youth Committee.
Each has its own committee of volunteer members that organise social events, providing the much needed personal connections and networks so valued by people with rare bleeding disorders and their families. Each of these groups has a representative on the HNZ National Council, and participates in foundation wide decision-making.
Regional Groups
These groups comprise members that live within each region. The group committees meet regularly and organise regional events and activities for their members.
Northern: Covering the area from the tip of the North Island down as far as the Bombay Hills. This region includes the Northland, Waitemata, Auckland and Counties Manukau district health boards.
Midland: Covering the area from the Bombay Hills down to Tūrangi. This region includes the Waikato, Lake, Bay of Plenty, and Tairawhiti district health boards.
Central: Covering the area from Tūrangi down to the bottom of the North Island. This region includes the Taranaki, Whanganui, Hawkes Bay, Midcentral, Wairarapa, Capital and Coast, and Hutt district health boards.
Southern: Covering the whole of the South Island. This region includes the Nelson Marlborough, West Coast, Canterbury, South Canterbury, Otago, and Southland district health boards.
Demographic Groups
These groups are available to members who fit the demographic profile, as part of our mission to support and advocate for HNZ members, and to honour our obligations under Te Tiriti o Waitangi.
National Youth Committee: This groups represents HNZ youth members aged 18-35.
Piritoto: This group represents all HNZ members who identify as Māori or are connected to tangata whenua.