Adult Workshop Weekend 2015
Come join us for a great weekend!
This year in beautiful Wellington we had one of the largest ever adult education workshops. It was great to have such a range of people with bleeding disorders and their partners gathered together from all over the country.
An interesting range of topics were discussed including:
- Richard Chambers chatting about Bleeding Disorder Care in NZ
- Dr Julia Phillips taking a workshop on Haemophilia Care
- B.J. Ramsay taking a workshop on von Willebrand and Platelet Disorders
- Pharmac coming in to give us information and answer questions about the proposed changes to the way treatment products are funded
- Haemophilia Nurse Helen Dixon talked about using ultrasound to diagnose early arthropathy
- Counsellor Rosemary Nourse leading a session on communicating with family and friends
- And some interesting sessions from our Outreach Workers: Sarah Elliot, Linda Dockrill, Joy Barrett, and Lynne Campbell.
Something for everyone.
A big thank you to all our participants, speakers, and staff for a very positive weekend.