Ngā mātou mahi

Our work

HNZ runs a number of programmes and services for people with bleeding disorders and their families.


Improving the lives and long-term outcomes of people affected by bleeding disorders since 1958

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Promoting excellence in haemophilia 
care, education, advocacy and support.

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Inhibitors Workshop 2020

Haemophilia New Zealand (HNZ) is running an Inhibitors Weekend on 13/14 March 2020. 

The weekend will be run in Auckland at the Quality Inn Parnell.

Inhibitor Workshops provide specific education for the whole family, and for all ages, on inhibitors and the management of their impact. The workshops help develop a supportive network for people with inhibitors and their whānau, reducing their sense of isolation.

Invitations and further information out soon


Inhibitors Workshop 2020